Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Black Eyed Peas Saaru (Dhavey Adsaaney Lasoon Phanna Saaru)

There are times when you want to eat light and do not want to eat anything which gives you a bloated feeling at the end of the meal. For me "Saaru" is one such dish which gives immense satisfaction as though I am part of something pure and natural. I prepared Lobhia curry yesterday and saved the water post boiling in a separate container. Today I wanted to sip something quick so what better than a Adsaaney Kale Saaru. Mom used to save all Saaru for me to eat with rice and kaaratey phodi. She used to always tell me that Saaru has lot of nutritional value in it.

Serves: 2 individuals
Recipe source: Mom

Lobhia boiled water - 2-4 C
Bedegi chillies - 1
Garlic - crushed (5 flakes)
Salt - as per taste
oil for frying

Heat the Boiled water extracted from the boiled beans on a pan. Bring to boil and add salt. Prepare a tadka of oil with crushed garlic flakes and Bedegi chillies. Pour the tadka and mix well and serve hot with garlic bread. One can also eat this with rice and fries. Saaru tastes good when served with rice.

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